Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Lindsay is Being Sued AGAIN...WTF

The woman who was allegedly chased by Lindsay Lohan during the infamous DUI arrest last July claims she's racked up a big shrink bill to get over a bad case of the mean girl.

Tracie Rice has sued Lohan, claiming the actress terrorized her in a wild chase in Santa Monica. Tracie, who called 911 during the pursuit, has filed legal papers alleging she's already spent $3,500 in therapist bills at $175 a crack.

Rice also says she's spent $400 on a medical doctor, $145 on a chiropractor, $150 on medicine and two grand in miscellaneous expenses.

Rice also says she's lost her job as a result of the incident, and that she was taking in between $60 - $75,000 a year.

Are you f***ing kidding me! Therapy for being chased by Lindsay Lohan. I would pay to be chased my Lindsay Lohan. AND, how could you loose your job because of that incident?! AND why did Rice need a chiropractor? She didn't get physically hurt! This is WTF worthy.

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