Monday, February 11, 2008

Brit Teaches Kids at Dance Studio

Britney Spears taught dance to children not much older than her own boys on Monday at Millennium Dance Complex in North Hollywood. The pop star kicked off the class by introducing herself to each five year old and shaking their hand, a source said.“She comes in, she winds them up, and then tells them, ‘I guess I have tointroduce myself to you guys!’.” said Robert Baker, Millennium co-owner.Britney looked happy and upbeat, he said. Madonna’s “Material Girl” and“True Love” were part of her play list. Britney led the class in “her favorite brown cowboy boots, fishnet stockings, a red short skirt, and a bluish greenish top that hangs down past her skirt.”“She worked out this great little routine for them, they were dancing allover the place, she had them dancing in a circle like a choo-choo train,” hesaid. “The kids loved it- they are having a ball right now. And Britney-she’s just drinking it up. She’s totally enjoying herself. It’s an amazingclass- she and the kids are certainly enjoying the process.”Parents for the seven kids waited outside while she taught.A little girl, who took the class, gushed, "We had so much fun. Britney was wearing little red shorts and she looked so pretty” as she and her mother headed to their car.Britney was involuntarily committed to UCLA Medical Center for treatment of bipolar disorder on January 31. She has been a staple at the studio since she was released Wednesday, Feb. 6.“Britney’s telling me that she likes this so much that she’s thinking aboutmaking it a regular thing, possibly every other week. She loves to interactwith the kids, and she feels that it’s important to give back to the dancecommunity,” Baker said.

Story by Us Magazine


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